In 2019, we highlighted the journey that Paramedic Gail Topping and Ambulance Control Centre Manager Ruth Anderson took to improve staff welfare and experience in the Scottish Ambulance Service whilst reducing mental health stigma through a campaign called RUOK?
The aim of their campaign was to enable staff to look out for each other, be able to spot the signs when their colleagues were struggling and feel confident enough to start a mental health conversation by simply asking “Are you OK?” They facilitated these conversations through Gail sharing her own personal story and experiences of working in the Scottish Ambulance Service.
The need for RUOK? and supporting one another has never been greater as we all deal with the impact of a global pandemic in 2020. In this audio, Gail gives an update regarding what the RUOK? Team have been doing one year on from the last report.
The RUOK? Team
Gail Topping (left) and Ruth Anderson (right)