Harm Reduction Team
REAS Directorate
The Shout Out Board
Jim Shanley – Harm Reduction Team (REAS Directorate)
After completing the iMatter questionnaire, Jim contacted Organisational Development Team and arranged a morning session with all staff, focusing on NHS values and how that affects the staff team and the patients .
This meeting was very positive and resulted in a number of new initiatives which the team agreed to take forward, in the following year.
The Team agreed to create a ‘Shout Out’ board, which is designed to recognise and acknowledge the help and support provided by fellow team members throughout the month. It is also used to say ‘thank you’ to colleagues. The concept is simple: an old white board was repurposed and hung in the main corridor of the department, to ensure staff and visitors see it. Staff write their ‘shout out’ on a Post-It note and stick it to the board. Jim collects all of the Post It notes each month and reads them out at the end of their team meetings. Prior to reading them out, Jim plays a drum roll on his phone.
The Team also agreed to establish a joint team reflective practice session, which is designed to promote continuous personal and professional development, as well as promoting positive mental health and wellbeing.
Building on the wellbeing theme, the Team created a Wellbeing Room. They were able to secure a small amount of funding, to paint an old, unused room, and buy a sofa and chair. This tranquil space is now used by staff when they feel they need to take some time out, for quiet reflection. It is also a place for staff to meet informally, away from their work space. The staff have taken ownership of the space by bringing in house plants, paintings for the walls and soft lighting.
All of the team are really appreciative and proud of the space they have helped to create. It is well used and provides a welcoming and calm space, away from their working area.