Pharmacy Services
Board Medical Directorate
Pharmacy Services Celebrates Staff Successes and the Employee Voice
Pharmacy Services celebrated their staff awards on Wednesday 20th of March at the Teaching and Learning Centre, QEUH. While the event was themed around the many successes of our staff, the event also recognised the challenges along the way, a theme reflected by our keynote speaker, Cor Hutton.
“As a pharmacy team, what makes us strong are our people, and our people know how things can change and improve, we are always looking for ways to obtain feedback and empower our teams to make local changes that makes it better for them and our patients.” Andrea Healey, Business Performance & Review Manager, Pharmacy Services
One way Pharmacy Services do this is through the annual iMatter survey. The team has always had a high engagement rate and one they are keen to continue. They took the opportunity to promote iMatter at their staff awards, including highlighting the improvements made locally based on the annual staff feedback. To support the event, the NHSGGC Staff Experience team were on hand to share good practice and give out a pen or two!!
“We were thrilled to be invited along to be able to promote the upcoming iMatter questionnaire at the Pharmacy Services staff awards, and engage with staff at this exciting event. Moreover, it allowed us to encourage colleagues to consider staff experience more widely, and understand how iMatter can be an important enabler for person-centred discussions that explore and improve the experience of everyone at work” Diana Hudson, Staff Experience Adviser and Sabine Bunte, Staff Experience Assistant
Alongside iMatter, the event also showcased the Peer Support service:
"Delighted to have attended the awards ceremony representing Peer support and as part of the Pharmacy Culture Collaborative Group.
Peer support simply put is to look after oneself and others and this was very much to the fore in our pharmacy 'family' awards ceremony.
Our speakers at the event spoke with compassion, empathy and a steadfast commitment to our health service and the patients we serve.
It was a privilege to be part of the day and hear the amazing testimony of Dr Corrine Hutton" Donald MacPhail, Controlled Drug Inspection Officer and Peer Supporter NHSGGC