Team Manager
Team managers are responsible for the duty of care to their staff and ensuring team members have an opportunity to participate in iMatter (Questionnaires and Action Planning).
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The NHS Scotland STaff Governance Standard:
Staff Experience Indicators: Appendix 12 & 13 in H&SC National Report 2021: iMatter EEI per organisation - Health and social care - staff experience: report 2021 - (
iMatter has been developed as a model for supporting continuous improvement in staff experience and employee engagement in NHS Scotland.
Key Performance Indicators - Monitoring
Response Rate
The response rate is calculated as the percentage of questionnaires issued that have been completed and returned within the allowable time.
Employee Engagement Index Score (EEI)
The Employee Engagement Index (EEI) is calculated based on the number of responses for each point on the scale (Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree) multiplied by its number value (6 to 1). These scores are added together and
divided by the overall number of responses to give the score to show level of engagement.
Reports Issued
In 2021 the threshold of 60% was removed and now only small teams with four or fewer respondents require 100% response rate to achieve a report. This is to protect anonymity.
Action Plans Agreed
Each team is invited to complete a continuous improvement action plan within 8 weeks, reviewing the progress made throughout the year
Sub-Reporting Managers
Managers who oversee a number of teams will receive aggregated reports to sub-report level for iMatter EEI and iMatter components. The report will also feature the 4 KPI’s;
- Response Rate
- EEI score
- Reports achieved
- Action Plans agreed
For Guidance: